Bottled water is dirty the companys cant tell you whats in it . so it can be dirty and they dont tell you.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Bottled water part 2
Posted by Ma BloG at 9:03 AM 0 comments
information and images are OK to post? What’s not OK to post? I think that some things are good to post! for example, things like pictures of u and family but not pictures of u showing to much because then that's not so good/great. thats just plain wrong if u put stuff up like that! i have a face book and i wouldn't put up nuttin like that. i know better && its not good to have on ur website because then it might mess up ur career. -Have you ever posted something online that embarrassed you or got you into trouble? i have NEVER posted nothing bad on an website because i know that it is wrong and when u get your job or sumthing they might deny you . but hopefully if you dont put nothing bad then maybe they can except you for who you are. -Is there any way to guarantee complete privacy when you post things online? umm im not sure but i can try ! but maybe there is ............. -How might things you post online affect your future? the jobs you go for may not except you they might deny you cuz of what you put online
Posted by Ma BloG at 8:59 AM 0 comments
The only reason why I listen to music while work is because so that i could relax and don't be attached to the out world. Sometimes i forget what I'm doing and chill there listening to music. The only thing distracting in that test was the second part at first it was all calm but then it just blasted like crazy. I couldn't almost read it and I had to start all over. And some of other students said that to. If it was math thing it wouldn't be that hard since I'm very good at it but if i were to here that calm songs then it would be a problem like mr.h's class.
Three ways I could change the techbrarian test to make it sound like real life
1)Make one of the sounds could be outdoor noise, kids playing, cars sounds
2)One of the other sounds like cats and dog barking
3)the last sound might be gun shot because it happens a lot around here
Posted by Ma BloG at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
Tech issues part 4
advantages of having war simmulations is that they keep shooting and killing innocent people through this screen. they accidentally kill innocent people if the bad person is next to him. and that is there advantage and they need to work on that.
i think that 1 oyrs. later this technology will still be used but in a more different advanced way.
Posted by Ma BloG at 5:31 PM 0 comments