Wednesday, September 24, 2008

children mind gold in africa

i would feel like im the only one in my family making the money for them because i am the oldest in my familty so i feel like im the only one in the family so i am going to make the most and maybe be getting hurt the most because il get harder jobs in the family so i will feel i am the only one making the money and i would feel very tired because i am lazy and get tired very easily


Ms. Chang said...


i know how you feel. sometimes the oldest child has the most responsibility. however, even though it was hard for me...and i too had to help support my family...i think it made me a much stronger person. you are smart, get as much education as you can and the rest will follow. don't put too much pressure on yourself.

MrSullivan said...

It's a shame when kids have to take on so much responsibility - not just to help their families out, but to help insure their survival. But are the people in charge of the mines, and those of us who buy the gold, taking advantage of their desperation?

Mr. Kleiman said...

I also know what you mean. I'm the oldest and a lot falls on me too. But tcher is right. It makes you a better person. Just don't let the pressure get to you.

You did a nice job helping me see the perspective of a boy who wants to help his family by working the mines.